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Monarch assembly
Monarch garden kids
Monarch art class
Monarch kickoff party
Monarch field trip
Monarch camping trip
Monarch art show

Classical Affordable Cooperative

Welcome to Monarch Classical Homeschool Group, where classical education, affordability, and a supportive Christian environment come together to create a thriving homeschooling community! Our mission is simple yet powerful: to connect with homeschooling families in Greater North Austin for one day a week of classical, affordable, cooperative learning in a Christian setting.

It Takes All of Us

Monarch is not a drop-off program. As a volunteer-led organization, we exist only through the collaboration and contribution of all our member families. This collective commitment fosters an atmosphere of mutual respect and shared success, because everyone has a valuable role to play. Adults have an opportunity to employ their unique skills and talents in teaching or assisting in classes, while students often help in setup, teardown, and cleanup. There are also opportunities for serving in prayer, reading, music, and other important tasks. Our volunteer efforts directly impact our costs and allow us to keep our fees affordable for all our member families.


Classical Education

We are focused on providing a classical education for homeschooling families. We are passionate about promoting a valuable academic experience with a special emphasis on the Trivium, which consists of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. With our approach, students are able to acquire knowledge, analyze and evaluate it, and effectively communicate their understanding.

Reading Storybook


The building blocks of learning happen in the Grammar Stage, so we focus on developing fundamentals around language, reading, writing and fostering a love of learning in each student.

Chess Game


Students in the Logic Stage begin to understand relationships between different fields of knowledge and how facts fit together into logical frameworks to help them interpret the world around them.

Reading Aloud in Classroom


In the Rhetoric Stage, students synthesize foundational and newly acquired knowledge with the rules of logic to develop and effectively communicate their original thoughts and ideas into the world.

Informational Meetings

Contact Us

Please send any inquiries via our contact form.

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